Mercedes R. Elvira

Mercedes Rodríguez Elvira (1950) Graduated in Fine Arts from the Complutense University of Madrid and later completed her training at the Institute of Arts in Chicago, USA. She worked as a teacher of art and drawing in Secondary and Baccalaureate, from 1975 to 2004, in Madrid, Vizcaya, Cantabria and Palencia. Since his first exhibition, in 1972, he has starred in numerous individual and collective exhibitions in Spain, the USA, Argentina, England, France, Italy, Portugal and Sweden.

Currently, he works between Chicago, Madrid and Cantabria. In addition to her work as a painter and sculptor, she has in her career public works works, in different parts of the Cantabrian geography, such as the Monument to the Pilgrim in Potes, Monument to Human Values in Torrelavega, the Monument to Cycling, in the Alto de Alisas, Monument to San Francisco, in Torrelavega or the Bust to Lope de Vega in Potes, among others.


Selected Solo Shows


    • 1950