Larissa Eremeeva

Larissa Eremeeva is a Dutch artist. She was born in the Soviet Union, studied art in Belgium, and has lived and worked in the Netherlands, the United States and Italy. These countries have shaped her perception of the world and brought into sharp relief the contradictions and banalities in everyday lives.

In her work, she translates the poetry of “lives just being lived” into emotion made tangible through texture and rhythm on canvas. Her art evokes objects, feelings and memories. It is appreciated by collectors in over 20 countries all over the world.

Ideas made emotion, expressed by texture and rhythm.

In her latest works, Eremeeva draws on themes of silence, poetry and just living a life.

Eremeeva describes her process starting “as if pictures are tattooed inside my head”. This initiates a sequence which defines the palette, medium and the scale of what she paints. The result is a style of painting which she calls "evocative abstract".

Each work is a combination of days of introspection, visualisation and planning fused with intuitive elements that arise during the execution of the work. Watching Eremeeva paint is a visual poem as textures, marks and colour choice create a subtle compositional tension which, at the same time, is tranquil and serene.

Eremeeva's creative mind embraces contradiction. She believes art serves as a mirror to life reflecting the complexities and intricacies within the human experience. The carefully curated titles of her works are intended to incite curiosity and a deeper examination of the piece. While the resulting work can be viewed as purely abstract, she wants her paintings to evoke objects, feelings and memories for the viewer.

Whether these feelings and memories relate to those felt by her, the artist, is not important. What is important for Eremeeva, is that people who see her art may be stimulated to delve further and explore their own perceptions of the world and their own emotions.


    Selected Solo Shows
